In compliance with Supreme Decree No. 005-2020-MINCETUR, which establishes the Regulations for Travel and Tourism Agencies, Collpa Chuncho is pleased to announce its formal adherence to the Code of Conduct against the Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (ESNNA). This measure reinforces our commitment to the highest ethical standards.

We recognize the importance of protecting children and adolescents and voluntarily adopt the ESNNA, not only to comply with it, but also as a proactive measure to ensure their safety. We strongly condemn any form of abuse and sexual exploitation of minors, both nationally and internationally.

Reservas Machupicchu Peru is committed to incorporating the principles of the ESNNA into our operations, actively working with our staff, partners, and stakeholders to raise awareness on this issue. We are committed to providing ongoing training to our team, promoting a culture of responsibility to contribute to a safe environment for children. This statement represents our firm stance against the exploitation, abuse, and harm of minors, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to the travel and tourism sector and its positive contributions.